Registration Terms
Registrations are accepted in the order received, and as space permits. Registrations are handled only through the academy’s registration portal site. Registrations are subject to validation and confirmation via email by the Pathology Association.
Seminar Fee
The seminar fee is to be transferred during the reservation process via mPAY24 (direct transfer, PayPal, Visa, MasterCard). Registration confirmation is subject to receipt of the full seminar charge. Where applicable, installment payment options are shown in your seminar brochure and can be arranged for with seminar management in writing. Fee adjustments are not possible for either late course entry or early departure.
Cancellation Terms
Cancellations are only accepted by email. Cancellations are free-of-charge for up to 14 days prior to start of the event. Cancellation terms not applicable, if a professionally qualified participant substitutes in the spot and pays the course fee. In case of illness, a medical doctor’s certification is to be submitted. The amount of any reimbursement is to be agreed with course management in writing, in case of illness during either the 14 day registration cancellation period, or if illness should occur during the event. These cancellation terms are not be interpreted as legal entitlement to either a fee discount or fee proration.
Should you fail to attend the seminar/course without proper prior cancellation, the entire seminar/course fee amount is due and payable as cancellation fee.
Cancellation Rights
If registrations are done by telephone, fax, email, Internet or eShop, participants are legally entitled to cancellation within the scope of the Consumer Protection law’s Electronic Purchase Clause, within 7 working days (Saturdays do not count as working days) following contract execution. This does not apply to events already scheduled to commence within 7 working days after contract execution. The cancellation period is deemed to be granted when a cancellation is submitted in writing within the prescribed time limit.
Changes in Event Program/Event Cancellation
Since events are organized well in advance, changes in the event structure may occur for reasons of organization. Therefore, the Pathology Association reserves the right to make changes in course duration, starting times, event dates, event locations, speakers and may cancel events. Further, in case of low attendance, the Pathology Association reserves the right to shorten an event’s duration, while safeguarding the course content.
Participants will be advised of any such changes at the earliest opportunity in writing or by telephone. If an event modification causes a participant to cancel his/her reservation, the attendee may communicate the cancellation in writing, at no additional charge. Any payments already made will be reimbursed in this case.
If an event speaker unexpectedly falls ill, the Pathology Association will make an effort to find an appropriate substitute, however, the Association is not obligated to actually put on the event as originally scheduled. Should the event have to be cancelled for reasons of illness, course fees will be reimbursed in their entirety. This is not to imply that the Association takes responsibility for any other expenses that attendees may have incurred or that the Association will consider any other demands as a result of the cancellation.
Confirmation of Attendance
Attendance confirmation includes the number of educational units/credits, content, attendee’s name and name of the speaker/instructor.
Scripts/Study Documents
Scripts and study material are included in the course fee.
Any material provided by the Pathology Association may not be published for commercial purposes, nor duplicated, distributed, electronically or otherwise, without the author’s explicit permission.
The Association does not assume responsibility for attendees’ personal property. No liability is assumed for the conduct of attendees and any incident of misconduct among them. Any injuries sustained by participants through improper execution of practice sequences are solely the responsibility of attendees and the Association does not assume any liability.
Legal Venue
Place of venue is the appropriate geographically and subject-matter designated court in Austria.
Upon your registration, you accept the above conditions and agree to adhere to them.