Responsible Party
Vinzenz Pathologieverbund GmbH
Herrenstraße 12
4020 Linz, Austria
Registry: FN: 425182v
Provincial Court: Linz, Upper Austria
Represented by
Prim. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Farid Moinfar, Managing Director
Martin Laber, Managing Director
Data Privacy Officer
Mag. Siegfried Gruber (O.P.P. - Compliance GmbH)
Form – Disclosure according to Section 15 DSGVO
Safeguarding your personal data is important to us. We handle your data strictly based on the legal guidelines stipulated by DSGVO, TKG 2003. This data confidentiality disclosure intends to inform you about the most important aspects of how we handle data utilized in conjunction to our website.
We would like to inform you that data provided by you and any inquiries made by you that both these will be handled and utilized in accordance with domestic and European data protection regulations. Vincent Pathology Association GmbH safeguards the confidentiality of your data and will neither sell, lease nor disclose this data to third parties.
Internet Presence
Our websites include links to other providers‘ websites. Vincent Pathology Association GmbH is not responsible for these sites‘ content. Outside/linked site content was reviewed for unlawful content at the time of the initial posting. Links to sites with illicit content will be removed as quickly as technically feasible and reasonable, once we are advised or become aware of such an infraction on third party websites. We utilize cookies on our sites and a session management tool, which optimize accessing our online offers. Our cookies do not collect any data related to the person/user, neither your email address, nor your identity itself.
User Profiles / Tracking (Cookies)
Our website collects and stores data for marketing and optimization purposes and utilizes MATOMO, an Open-Source Web-Analysis-Tool ( From this source, data can be extracted to create user profiles with a pseudonym. Cookies may be used for this purpose. Cookies are small datafiles, which are temporarily stored on the user’s internet browser. These cookies facilitate repeat-recognition by the internet browser. Data collected by MATOMO are not used to identify the website’s visitor, unless permission to do so is granted, nor will it link the pseudonym to the actual user’s identity.
Administration and Deactivation of Cookies
You can administer and deactivate cookies. Your browser’s menu includes settings for the use of cookies, for instance:
- View cookies
- Allow cookies
- Deactivate all or some cookies
- Deactivate all cookies after closing the browser
- Block cookies
- Request permission to allow cookies
- Refusal of webanalysis tracking
The below listed browser providers listed provide instructions for deactivation of cookies on their sites.
- Firefox
- Internet Explorer
- Chrome (Windows) / Chrome (Mac) / Chrome for iOS / Chrome for Android
- Safari
- Safari (iOS)
Information provided on our websites is assembled with the greatest of care. However, The Vinzenz Pathology Association GmbH does not imply any guarantee as to the content’s accuracy or suitability for any and all applications. Use of the content provided on the websites is at the sole discretion and risk of the user.
Your Rights
You have the right to disclosure, correction, deletion, restriction, data transfer, retraction and rebuttal. Should you believe that your data has been handled in violation of data protection laws or that your data confidentiality privileges may have been breached in any way, you may so advise us, preferably in writing.
At this point, we would like to point out the following rights you have per DSGVO and as pertains to your personal data:
- Principally, you are entitled to disclosure, correction, deletion, limitation, data transfer, retraction and objection.
- If you believe that your data is being handled in a manner that violates your data protection rights in any way, you may address your concerns in writing to Vinzenz Pathologieverbund GmbH, Datenschutzkoordination, Herrenstrasse 12, 4010 Linz, Austria.
Data Protection Authority, contact: